English 10 : Guidelines for the Web Project
For this project you are responsible for creating a web site that relates somehow to the broad theme that unites the readings and discussions we've been exposed to in English 10: the intersections and connections between technology and literature.
The following are suggested projects:
1) Build a web site that provides a “shell” for either your midterm or final paper. This type of site would consist of at least three pages: 1) an introduction to the paper; 2) the paper; 3) resources related to the paper/topic.
2) Build a web site that creatively explores and expresses some aspect of experimental web-based literature. This type of site would consist of multiple pages: 1) an introductory page; 2) an interactive short story, poem, or other form of writing or expression, which would use multiple hyperlinks to aid in interactivity; and 3) a page of resources related to the project. You have a great deal of flexibility with your web project, but the following components are required: Your site should consist of multiple pages -- at least three. Your site should include three or more links to external websites that are somehow related to your site. Your site should have clear navigation that allows the user to move through your site with ease. Any writing on your site should be carefully proofread and edited for clarity. Any images should be clearly documented and linked back to their sources. Your site should be clearly and cleanly formatted. Resources & Assistance Please consider dropping by the Transcriptions TAs’ Office Hours, as follows. Elizabeth Freudenthal: TWR 1-4